Are you looking to start a business in Canada? If yes, you are in the right place. The post highlights practical tips to get started!

How to start up a business in Canada

Business immigration to Canada in 2022 is one of the most reliable ways for foreigners to move permanently to a prosperous country with good prospects for obtaining Canadian citizenship.

The Canadian government is interested in attracting foreign investment. It is happy to accept experienced foreign business people who can create new jobs in Canada and benefit the local economy. Read on!

How to start a business in Canada

It is no secret that doing business is somewhat risky, especially when starting a business abroad in Canada. Many important decisions need to be made, ranging from the choice of location, direction, and form of ownership of the future company ending with the amount of investment, tax optimization, and effective control. Here is everything you need to know!

Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Program

The program was launched back in 2010, but we note right away that periodically new applications for participation are not accepted. The government opens access when Citizenship and Immigration Canada justifies the need for additional overseas investment.

The amount of assets is not less than 10 million Canadian dollars, which is equivalent to 7.5 million US dollars. At the same time, the funds must be earned as a result of legitimate business or investment activities.

All this is very carefully checked. To participate in the program, you must be ready to invest at least 2 million Canadian dollars in a special venture fund for up to 15 years without any guarantees of return and income.

The second prerequisite concerns proficiency in one of the official languages ​​- French or English, which must be confirmed by an international certificate or passing a test. In addition, a foreigner must have at least a year of study at a higher educational institution that meets Canadian standards.

Start-Up Visa

Business immigration program to Canada, designed to launch promising innovative ideas that can compete in the market, generate profits, and create jobs. Up to five foreign entrepreneurs can apply for a visa simultaneously, provided they own at least 10% of the company’s capital.

It requires an official letter from one of the approved Canadian organizations with a guarantee of support for the business idea. In some cases, it is necessary to confirm the availability of funds in 75 or 200 thousand Canadian dollars.

Procedure for Registering a Business

Registration and filing with Industry Canada are done online within a day, and after five days, the company is assigned a unique business number. The cost is 200 Canadian dollars.

It is mandatory to fill out a registration form and send the memorandum of association, information about the board of directors, and the company’s location. Make sure you follow the step-by-step procedure to achieve your goals.

There is an additional CAD 21.47 fee to reserve a unique business name. Once a new company is registered, this information is passed to the Canada Revenue Agency, where a corporate income tax number is assigned within a day.

Final Words

Successful business in Canada by entrepreneurs abroad is impossible without choosing the optimal and affordable form of ownership for a newly created company. Follow the tips and tricks above to start a successful business in Canada.

  • Article based on personal opinion, experience and research.
  • Photos from Unsplash & canva.
  • This article includes affiliate links leading to

About Kevin:

Kevin is the CEO and president of SoilFLO. SoilFLO has been in operations since June of 2019. Since then, it has been the trailblazer in implementing digital tools for our most forgotten construction sector – the earthmovers.

Those involved in the Land Development Supply Chain and earthmoving remain reliant on paper-based systems. These systems are leaving them exposed to liability and loss to their bottom line. Hours are spent reconciling paperwork and organizing accounts payable. Using SoilFLO, contractors, developers and consultants can track soil excavation, aggregate import and related administrative processes, such as managing hauler invoices.

Since founding with the company, Kevin has added 10 new employees and SoilFLO is used on over 100 construction sites per day.

The Future of Earthworks

The earthmoving industry lacks easily accessible data. It is often unknown where soil ends up and many companies don’t understand the reuse opportunities available. Improper disposal of soils can result in leaching chemicals into nearby ground or surface waters which could then be ingested by plants, animals or even human drinking water. The first step to optimizing any industry is to start with transparency. SoilFLO is disrupting the industry by enabling customers to track and store their soil movement digitally.

Once we have transparency we can begin optimizing the reuse of one of our most underrated non-renewable resources, soil.

Potential for International Expansion

One of the most impressive things about Kevin has been his ability to expand his business internationally. SoilFLO has recently been onboarded onto nationally recognized infrastructure projects in both Australia and UK. The team is excited on how they can continue the growth within these countries.

What’s Next?

Kevin is extremely driven toward building a business that helps the environment, creates jobs and grows the Canadian economy. He looks forward to continuing to expand SoilFLO and empowering the modernization of the Earthworks industry.

Causes that Kevin supports:

  • Muskoka Watershed Council
  • Excess Soils Symposium
  • Contamination Expo in the UK
  • ONIA Excess Soils Round Table

Chef Donald Guthro - An Inspiring Canadian Feature

Chef Donald Guthro - An Inspiring Canadian FeatureChef Donald Guthro was born and raised in rural Canada. He received his Commerce degree and professional Chef training at George Brown College in Ontario. Don then set out to refine his skills and educate himself internationally in Europe, working throughout France and Italy while learning the trade and traditions from old-world culinary pioneers. He also witnessed life in impoverished regions with high unemployment which would later become the catalyst or motivator for an entirely new way of looking at business. When Don returned to Canada, he worked as Chef and Executive Chef in some of Canada’s top restaurants across the country as well as working chef at the Olympic Games. In addition, he formed a catering company and restaurant consulting firm where he assisted other restaurateurs to become successful in their businesses. Chef Don Guthro arrived in Vancouver as an executive chef before becoming the director of a renowned local and international culinary school. However, the high cost of culinary tuition, lack of affordable housing and skilled entry-level cooks in the area left Chef Don Guthro to ponder social enterprise as the vehicle to educate Canada’s top cooks.

In 2010 he created the NS Culinary Educational Society becoming D.I.C.E.D Culinary School. Through his own initiative and resources, he is fulfilling his dream to help aspiring cooks get the education and training for a successful future in the culinary industry. After 40 years and counting in the culinary field, Chef Don Guthro shows no sign of slowing down. His abundant experience has led him to create an innovative, self-funded socially good business model investing in people. Proceeds from his catering company, restaurant and culinary consultations are used to support D.I.C.E.D Culinary School by providing affordable education for all and full sponsorship for those that qualify. While Chef Don Guthro plans to continue his direct involvement in the day-to-day running of the company, he hopes to find time to author educational texts that support culinary growth and success in all communities.

We are a social purpose business situated in Vancouver, BC. We currently operate a restaurant (NSCS Discovery), catering company (Culinary Choreography), condiment line, and run meal programs for the at-risk and homeless.

What do we do? With the proceeds of these ventures, we offset the cost of our culinary training program so that it is accessible to anyone interested in pursuing a career in the culinary industry. We recently put the school online so that we could not only lift the financial restrictions of culinary training but the geographical ones as well.

Our School: DICED (Diverse Innovation in Culinary Educational Development). DICED is an online educational program that allows students to complete the required course work over a 40 week period while working and gaining experience simultaneously. We offset the cost of the tuition so that the amount owed by the student is minimal. It is our hope that by graduating without debt, we will strengthen the skilled labour force of the culinary industry. As it stands right now, only a fraction of culinary school graduates remains in the industry due to exorbitant debt load. They are forced to seek out higher-paying jobs and in doing so, give up on a career they are passionate about, which means the industry loses prospective talent. Our online program is a win-win for both students and industry alike.

He runs a social purpose business situated in Vancouver, BC. He currently operates a restaurant (NSCS Discovery), catering company (Culinary Choreography), condiment line, and runs meal programs for the at risk and homeless.

With the proceeds of these ventures, he offsets the cost of the culinary training program so that it is accessible to anyone interested in pursuing a career in the culinary industry. He recently put the school online so that he could not only lift the financial restrictions of culinary training but the geographical ones as well.

DICED (Diverse Innovation in Culinary Educational Development). DICED is an online educational program that allows students to complete the required course work over a 40 week period while working and gaining experience simultaneously. He offsets the cost of the tuition so that the amount owed by the student is minimal. It is his hope that by graduating without debt, there will be a strengthened skilled labour force in the culinary industry. As it stands right now, only a fraction of culinary school graduates remains in the industry due to exorbitant debt load. They are forced to seek out higher-paying jobs and in doing so, give up on a career they are passionate about, which means the industry loses prospective talent. D.I.C.E.D’s online program is a win-win for both students and industry alike. Learn more about DICED here.

Do you want to reach your target audience quickly? Are you looking to streamline your marketing and SEO strategies? Read these top ten marketing books!

Marketing is the backbone of a company’s overall strategy, allowing it to reach its target audience, increase engagement, build a brand, and promote its products and services. The bottom line is to increase returns on investments, and without marketing, a company can’t achieve its goals.

Although you can find hundreds of thousands of articles, webinars, videos, blog posts, and other resources online to create a successful marketing strategy, there is nothing like the information you find in marketing books. Today’s article will give you a list of the top ten marketing books to read in Canada. Read on!

1.    The 1-Page Marketing Plan

Author: Allan Dib

The 1-Page Marketing Plan is the best book written by Allan Dib, a successful entrepreneur, and marketer. The book gives you detailed information on traditional and digital marketing secrets and how to blend these methodologies to achieve your company’s bottom line.

The information included in the book is evidence-based and proven, allowing you to create a solid marketing plan, engage your target audience, build your online reputation, and grow your business on various platforms.

2.    This I Know

Author: Terry O’Reilly

Terry O-Reilly is the author of “This I know,” a book that equips businesses and eCommerce honors with state-of-the-art marketing knowledge and tools, allowing them to craft a successful marketing strategy efficiently and quickly.

Not only does the book teaches you the basic of marketing, but it also helps you create strategies that align with your business operations, improving the company’s bottom line by increasing sales.

3.    The SEO Way

Author: Tarek Riman

If you want to rank higher in Google SERPs and other search engine results, the SEO Way is a must-read. Tarek Riman is a successful entrepreneur and the master of digital marketing and SEO – and this book by him is for people of all skill levels, including beginners, advanced marketers, entrepreneurs, startups, and even students.

The SEO Way is the bestselling book that teaches individuals and businesses to streamline their search engine optimization strategies and achieve higher ranks on Google. The book has ever-green information you can apply to your SEO strategy for years to come.

Tarek Riman, the author of the SEO Way, provides a step-by-step approach with all the technical details, allowing businesses to drive organic traffic to their websites, engage users with high-quality content, and achieve/maintain long-term success.

4.    500 Social Media Marketing Tips

Author: Andrew McCarthy

Andrew McCarthy is a well-known marketer. His book “500 Social Media Marketing Tips” has quickly gained a reputation among digital marketers, social media strategists, and businesses that want to leverage the power of social networking platforms.

The book teaches you how to implement a social media marketing strategy, use analytics, create quality content, reach and maintain existing and potential customers, and leverage the power of images, text, stories, and videos to engage your target audience.

5.    The Secret to Capitalizing on Analytics

Author: Tarek Riman

The Secret to Capitalizing on Analytics is a bestselling book authored by a renowned digital marketer “Tarek Riman.” The author has made substantial efforts to ensure everyone learns and uses Google Analytics efficiently and quickly.

The book teaches how to set up Google analytics, track data, and gain insights to streamline your marketing and SEO strategies. Besides, Riman has put life into the book, allowing businesses to understand and use demographic data, including age, location, interest, buying patterns, and behaviors, to drive organic traffic to their websites and improve their bottom line.

6.    A Beginners Guide to Paid Search Marketing

Author: Tarek Riman

A Beginner’s Guide to Paid Search Marketing is another gem authored by Tarek Riman. The book gives you the secrets of paid search marketing, allowing you to plan, set up, implement, and optimize SEM campaigns for your business.

Not only does the book allows you to access high-quality resources, including tutorials and screenshots, but it also provides you with state-of-the-art information, enabling you to learn via examples. The step-by-step approach to SEM campaigns you will learn from this book is synonymous with effective digital marketing, increased sales, and higher ROIs.

7.    Building a Story Brand

Author: Donald Miller

Through “Building a Story Brand,” Donald Miller teaches his audience how to build a brand reputation by creating an engaging, persuasive, and authoritative story. Miller has crafted innovative ways and methodologies, equipping readers with extensive knowledge of connecting with their customers and boosting their sales.

8.    Digital Marketing Strategy

Author: Simon Kingsnorth

Digital Marketing Strategy is an easy-to-read book, providing thorough knowledge to people of all skill levels who want to streamline their online marketing plans. The author, Simon Kingsnorth, has focused on leveraging different online platforms and creating a strategy tailored to your business goals.

The book teaches you various marketing modules, including marketing automation, the art, and science of personalization, email marketing, etc. Likewise, it helps you integrate your offline and online marketing methods and use artificial intelligence to create better user experiences. Moreover, the book provides you with knowledge on enhancing data protection tools and maintaining customers’ privacy.

9.    Marketing Mess to Brand Success

Author: Scott Jeffrey Miller

Marketing Mess to Brand Success by Scott Jeffrey Miller helps you learn a step-by-step approach to creating a digital marketing strategy and modifying it according to digital sphere changes. You will learn to build a successful brand by engaging your existing and prospective customers. It is a must-read!

10. SEO 2022

Author: Adam Clarke

Do you want to learn what has changed in the SEO world? If yes, read the book “SEO 2022” by Adam Clarke. The author teaches you how to implement SEO strategies on basic and advanced levels by understanding how Google’s algorithm works. Likewise, it teaches you the technical aspects of local SEO and leverages Google My Business to reach your local audience and engage them with quality content.

Final Words

Traditional and digital marketing plays a crucial role in a company’s success. Knowing how to blend offline and online marketing can help you explore powerful ways to promote your products and services. These books can help you achieve your digital marketing goals.

Best Canadian Entrepreneurs [Updated]

Entrepreneurship enables people to create wealth and plays a role in the country’s economic growth. Here are the top ten Canadian Entrepreneurs!

These entrepreneurs have made a name for themselves both in Canada and abroad, and their stories are sure to inspire you.

Canadian entrepreneurs have made significant contributions to boosting the country’s economic growth through innovative products, services, and technologies. About 97% of businesses in Canada are small-medium companies with up to 500 employees. These organizations are the backbone of Canadian’s socioeconomic development and growth. Here are the top ten Canadian entrepreneurs. Read on!

Canada is a country of entrepreneurs and innovators. Canadians have led the world in technological advancement, business successes, and financial triumphs. With so much entrepreneurial spirit embodied within our nation’s borders, it’s no wonder that countless Canadian entrepreneurs have solidified their mark on history with unforgettable success stories.

Herein we will explore the lives and careers of 10 distinctive Canadian entrepreneurs whose influence has reformed businesses around the globe, paving the way for Canada’s continued leadership as an incubator of industry dynamism. Here are the top ten Canadian Entrepreneurs!

1.    Susan Niczowski

Susan Niczowski is one of the best and most successful Canadian entrepreneurs. Everyone knows about the Summer Fresh salads and dips, but do you know Niczowski is the brilliant mind behind the company? Susan has been leading the company for three decades.

Under the leadership of Susan Niczowski, the company has changed the perception of food and drawn people to consume healthy and organic food. Today, the company’s products are found in every Canadian kitchen.

She has also been actively involved in several non-profit organizations. Moreover, she is an active mentor for aspiring entrepreneurs. She has been awarded many awards.

2.    Tonia Jahshan

Tonia Jahshan is a successful entrepreneur who established Steeped Tea, the fastest-growing Canadian company specializing in home tea parties. Once a small company, Steeped Tea is a multi-million dollar company with over $20 million in annual sales. The direct business sales model is the driving force behind the company’s success.

Tonia Jahshan’s unique approach to business has made her one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Canada. The company has a cost advantage over its competitors because it does not sell to retail chains. Instead, the company sells directly through tea parties.

She is an innovator who has created a large customer base with an effective direct sales approach. She is also actively involved in non-profit organizations and charities.

Top 10 Canadian Entrepreneurs

3.    Mike Lazaridis

Mike Lazaridis is the co-founder of “Research in Motion Limited,” a company that revolutionized the world of communication by creating the world-famous Blackberry. Lazaridis is a university dropout, but his commitment and dedication toward doing business have made him a successful Canadian entrepreneur.

Besides, Lazaridis also runs various other organizations, including the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Center for International Governance Innovation. Today, Mike is the most successful Canadian Technologists. Time Magazine named him one of the top 100 influential people in 2005.

He is a great example of how entrepreneurs can make it big in the world. His success story is an inspiration to many aspiring entrepreneurs around the world.

4.    Kevin O’Leary

Kevin O’Leary, also known as “Mr. Wonderful,” is the most famous Canadian Entrepreneur and a successful businessman. O’Leary is the name of commitment, diligence, persistence, and innovation. The entrepreneur launched SoftKey software products from his house’s basement with absolutely no money.

After making the biggest deal of his life, O’Leary became a venture capitalist by selling the Learning Company for $4.2 billion in 1999. O’Leary is also a famous TV personality and well-known investor on “Shark Tank.”

He is an inspiration to entrepreneurs around the world and is a perfect example of how hard work, dedication, and commitment can make you successful.

5.    Shahrzad Rafati

Shahrzad Rafati immigrated to Canada as a teenager and founded a media and technology company, known as Broadband TV, in 2005. Today, it is the second-largest video company in the world. Rafati’s unique business approach helped her company secure $36 million from RTL Group in 2013.

Not only does Rafati lead the company, but she is also a role model for young entrepreneurs in Canada. She is also a board member of multiple organizations, including Hootsuite, a social media management platform.

She is a great example of how immigrants can make it big in Canada. Her success story is an inspiration to many aspiring entrepreneurs around the world. She also regularly speaks at various events to motivate and inspire young entrepreneurs.

She is also a mentor for aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them create their own success stories. Additionally, she has been awarded many awards for her outstanding contributions to the Canadian business community.

6.    Michele Romanow

Michele Romanow has earned a strong reputation in the entrepreneurial sector in Canada because she has made countless achievements. Romanow started her career at Sears as a director of the strategy. She is a tech genius who has created innovative technology and digital solutions for the most popular brands globally, including Netflix, P&G, Cirque du Soleil, and Starbucks.

She is also the co-founder of Clearbanc, which provides financial services to digital entrepreneurs. Romanow is also a judge and investor on CBC’s hit television series, “Dragon’s Den.”

She is a great example of how female entrepreneurs can make it big in the business world. Her success story is an inspiration to many aspiring entrepreneurs around the world. She also regularly speaks at various events to motivate and inspire young entrepreneurs.

7.    Dani Reiss

Dani Reiss is the CEO of Canada Goose, a famous clothing company. Reiss took the role of CEO in 2001, and since then, he has made substantial efforts to streamline the business operations, making it a successful and profit-driven company.

Reiss’s business approach has made the company billions of dollars by maintaining production in Canada without sending manufacturing orders overseas. Reiss is an inspiration for many Canadians because he employs over 3,400 workers. So, Reiss’s company plays a crucial role in the country’s socioeconomic development.

He is a great example of how entrepreneurs can build successful businesses from the ground up. His success story is an inspiration to many aspiring entrepreneurs around the world.

Top 10 Canadian Entrepreneurs

8.    Martha Hall Findlay

Martha Hall is another successful Canadian entrepreneur and prospered businesswoman. Findlay is the CEO of Canada West Foundation. She is also a senior vice president of Suncor Energy. The West Foundation is a non-partisan and independent public policy think tank emphasizing policy development.

She is also a past member of Parliament for the Liberal Party and was elected in 2008. Findlay is an inspiration for many Canadian entrepreneurs, as she has managed to excel in the business world despite gender discrimination. Her goal is to work towards a better and more prosperous future for Canada.

9.    Leonard Lee

Leonard Lee was the founder of an Ottawa-based retail store specializing in high-quality gardening and woodworking equipment. Lee was also the founder of a medical design company known as Canica Design. Lee had a results-driven business approach that enabled him to make numerous accomplishments. The Order of Canada made Lee a member of the organization in 2002.

He is a great example of how entrepreneurs can make it big in the business world. His success story is an inspiration to many aspiring entrepreneurs around the world. Also, he is a major supporter of numerous charities, which include the United Way and local churches. Through his philanthropic work, Lee has made significant contributions to society.

10. Jennifer Wagner

Jennifer Wagner is the president of a cleantech company known as Carbon Cure. Under the leadership of Wagner, the company has designed and developed CO2 trapping technology, reducing the overall carbon footprint of construction projects. She is a popular and successful Canadian Entrepreneur with a mission to make the world a healthier and better place to live.

She is also the vice-chair of the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance and a member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Wagner is an inspiring example for people who want to make a difference in the world. Her success story is an inspiration to many aspiring entrepreneurs around the world.

These Canadian entrepreneurs are true examples of how determination and hard work can lead to success. Their inspiring stories should motivate aspiring entrepreneurs from all walks of life to take a chance and pursue their business goals. By learning from these successful entrepreneurs, young people can become the next generation of Canadian entrepreneurs.

The success of these entrepreneurs can also help other aspiring entrepreneurs make their dreams come true. Their inspiring stories of success should be a source of motivation and an example to follow for those who are looking to become successful entrepreneurs. By following their example, aspiring entrepreneurs can make their business dreams a reality.

11. John Molson

John Molson left an indelible mark on Canadian history. After immigrating from England in 1782, he founded the renowned Molson Brewery at a time when he, as an 18-year-old, was not allowed to own an alcohol business. Recognizing potential opportunities, Molson’s entrepreneurial success propelled his brewery into becoming one of the largest producers of beer in the world and set him up for the next step in his life – channelling his creativity and influence to benefit society.

He funded Montreal’s first theater, subsidized construction for Canada’s first railway, and provided funds for Montreal’s first public library – ultimately creating a lasting legacy that not only touched Canadians then but continues to shape our country today.

12. Samuel Bronfman

Samuel Bronfman was a businessman who started his company, Distiller Company Limited, in Montreal and then went on to major success through investing. He was able to turn a profit when Joseph E. Seagram and Sons acquired it in 1928 but continued his involvement with the company as it experienced new growth after the end of prohibition.

Additionally, Bronfman diversified into the oil business, where he took a $50 million initial investment and turned it into billions within 20 years when he sold it to Sun Oil Co. Samuel Bronfman achieved his remarkable feats by displaying courage and foresight.

13. Joseph-Armand Bombardier

An inspiring innovator of Canadian heritage, Joseph-Armand Bombardier made an incredible mark in the industry by creating a unique snow vehicle that revolutionized transportation. After launching his own company, Bombardier Limited, he forever changed the landscape of transportation equipment and means of travel.

With his creativity and engineering skills, he developed the groundbreaking B7 snow motor vehicle that finally set his dream into motion: a hybrid car/snow machine capable of drifting on snow. To this day, Joseph-Armand Bombardier is remembered for his extraordinary achievement and vital contribution to modern transportation.

14. Scott Gravelle

Scott Gravelle was inspired to make changes to the traditional e-commerce distribution warehouse when he observed leafcutter ant colonies – with their vertical structure and incredible efficiency. This idea eventually led to the founding of Calgary-based robotics logistics company Attabotics Inc., founded by Mr. Gravelle himself.

The robots working within this model provide an efficient organization that drastically cuts down on the amount of space required for warehouses, reducing storage costs and optimizing profitability for companies who use the system. What makes Mr. Gravelle’s vision truly inspiring is how he was able to observe a natural phenomenon and develop a technological innovation that accelerates business growth opportunities.

15. Eva Wong

Eva Wong is a true powerhouse, having achieved great success with the launch of Borrowell and its subsequent recognition as the Fintech Startup of the Year in 2018. As COO and co-founder of the Toronto-based Canadian fintech firm, Eva is on a mission to help Canadians make sound decisions about their credit health in order to achieve financial stability.

Utilizing the platform’s free credit scores, educational tools, and regular credit monitoring services, she has been responsible for Borrowell acquiring 900,000 members since launching in 2014. With her prior 15 years of expertise in business and not-for-profit organizations under her belt, Eva has proved that hard work pays off.

16. Jenny Bird

It’s no surprise that Jenny Bird is a force to be reckoned with in the world of jewelry design. Her tenacity, attention to detail, and prioritization of sustainability have truly set her apart from other brands, allowing her to build a reputation that has extended around the globe.

From being included on Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies list to taking home the 2018 Accessories Designer of the Year award at Project, Jenny Bird continues to exceed expectations and sets herself apart as a leading figure in modern jewelry design.

17. Tara Bosch

Tara Bosch is a real-life example of how hard work and dedication can take you from a high schooler to a multi-million-dollar entrepreneur. Her journey began junior year when she started selling her own unique candy creations in the form of health-conscious treats with less sugar that still had amazing taste.

This concept quickly gained traction, leading Tara to eventually drop out of school and start her own company called SmartSweets. She must have impressed all the right people as just two short years later; her company reported profits of over fifty million dollars! Truly a testament to what can be achieved with passion and dedication.

18. Stephanie Ciccarelli

Stephanie Ciccarelli is a shining example of an entrepreneur in the modern age. After graduating with a Bachelor of Musical Arts from Western University, she flexed her business savvy and created, an online marketplace for creative talent – producers, marketers, and instructors – to connect with each other.

This venture has become so successful that she’s made PROFIT Magazine’s W100 list several times over. With such a robust portfolio of accomplishments under her belt, there’s no doubt Stephanie is paving the way for entrepreneurs everywhere!

19. Hamid Arabzadeh

In the highly competitive world of Canadian business, Hamid Arabzadeh stands out as a leader in innovation. As the CEO of Ranovus, he has spearheaded major advances in laser technology that promise huge increases in data transfer rates without costly emissions.

His achievements don’t stop there; Hamid is also experienced in executive positions at Identos Inc., Motive Health, and other notable companies. He truly embodies the entrepreneurial spirit and knows how to turn visionary ideas into tangible success stories — a skill that has made him one of Canada’s most impressive business billionaires.

20. Jodie Morgan

Jodie Morgan is an inspirational woman, a leader in her own right; she has built five companies from the ground up and currently serves as CEO/president for GreenMantra Technologies. Moreover, GreenMantra specializes in creating innovative solutions to cut down plastic waste and create different types of polymer additives, artificial waxes, and other chemicals.

It’s inspiring how Jodie has managed to use her leadership skills to find a way for a business to be both environment-friendly and profitable. She is a true role model for all entrepreneurs who aspire to make a difference in the world through their work.

Final Words

Entrepreneurship is an excellent way to make your dreams come true and improve your standard of living. It allows you to ditch your traditional 9-5 job and start your own business. Remember, it requires careful planning and preparation, and the successful entrepreneurs given above have worked diligently to become lucrative.

Canada is a hotspot for entrepreneurs. With a strong economy and supportive government policies, it’s no wonder that so many people are choosing to start their businesses here.

If you’re thinking of becoming an entrepreneur yourself, take inspiration from these top 10 Canadian entrepreneurs who have made it big. They all started from humble beginnings, and with hard work and determination, they built successful enterprises. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start building your own empire! Until Next Time!


What qualities do successful entrepreneurs have?

Successful entrepreneurs often possess a combination of traits, such as passion, resilience, problem-solving skills, and the ability to take calculated risks. They also have an eye for detail and excellent communication skills.

What are the benefits of starting your own business?

Starting your own business can be incredibly rewarding, both personally and financially. You’ll have the freedom to create something unique and build it from scratch. Additionally, you can potentially gain financial independence through successful entrepreneurship.

What are the challenges of starting a business?

You will likely face legal, financial, and marketing obstacles. Additionally, you’ll need to stay motivated and organized while dealing with potential setbacks. It is important to remain focused on your goals in order to succeed.


  • Article based on personal opinion and research & people who shared their stories.
  • Photos from Unsplash & Canva.


Best Canadian Marketing Agencies

Finding and choosing the right marketing agency in Canada is a daunting and time-consuming task because there are hundreds of companies. There are various factors to consider when hiring a digital marketing agency.

These include services, customer support, creativity and innovation, global branding, strong online presence, affordability, and reliability. Canada is home to some of the best agencies that offer comprehensive marketing services to boost your business’s bottom line. Read on!

1.    Riman Agency

Riman Agency is one of the best Canadian Marketing agencies founded by Tarek Riman, a dedicated, experienced, and skilled entrepreneur with innovative skills in marketing. Tarek Riman, the founder of Riman Agency has more than thirty digital marketing certifications from reputable companies, including Hubspot, Facebook, Bing, AdWords, Hootsuite, etc.

Riman Agency follows a unique approach to building your brand, maintaining your company’s online reputation, and driving organic traffic to increase sales and generate higher returns on investment.

Hundreds of companies in Canada and other countries have leveraged CAP. TAIME’s digital marketing and SEO services to improve their business’s bottom line. Tarek Riman and his team believe that customer satisfaction is an essential part of their marketing agency.

That’s why the team makes substantial efforts to provide client-oriented services and solutions to companies, allowing them to get the most out of their SEO and marketing strategies.

2.    Social Media 55

Social Media 55 is an award-winning digital marketing agency in Canada. It offers state-of-the-art strategies to help you reach your target audience, engage them with unique content, and generate higher ROIs.

The agency has qualified, experienced, and skilled marketers who follow a step-by-step approach to creating a sophisticated marketing plan for your business. Not only does the company use advanced, cutting-edge tools, but it also offers exceptional customer services to guide you every step of the way.

3.    Edkent Media

Edkent Media is another Canadian digital marketing agency that believes in and implements result-driven solutions to improve your business operations, engage potential and prospective customers via unique content, and maintain your company’s digital reputation.

The company offers a wide range of services, such as SEO, SEM, social media marketing, email marketing, brand development, buyer’s personas creation, lead generation, and conversion. Besides, the agency offers website design, WordPress development, PPC, and content marketing services at the most affordable prices.

4.    Azuro Digital

Azuro Digital is an Ottawa-based digital marketing agency with an excellent reputation among small, local businesses and global companies. The mission of Azuro Digital is to help enterprises develop their brands and equip them with state-of-the-art tools to maintain a competitive edge in the market.

If you want to generate higher ROIs by occupying a stable position in Google SERPs and other search engine page results for specific keywords, Azuro Digital services is a must-hire. In addition to digital marketing, Azuro Digital also offers web design and development services with 100% client satisfaction.

Moreover, Azuro digital maintains constant communication with the clients to meet their specific requirements. Azuro Digital can streamline your company’s business operations and automate your marketing tasks to help you save time, money, and other resources. That way, you can focus on other crucial business operations to create an overall balance in your company.

5.    Brand & Mortar

Brand & Mortar offers comprehensive marketing services, from traditional marketing to digital marketing, including brand strategy development, social media marketing plans, and implementation, website design and development, search engine optimization, public relations, video production, and app development.

The core aspects of the Brand & Mortar digital marketing agency are streamlined communication, optimal strategies, and long-term relationship with the clients are the core aspects of the Brand & Mortar digital marketing agency.

If you want to improve your brand awareness, increase lead generation, and get the most out of your marketing and advertising strategies, we recommend hiring Brand & Mortar’s marketing services.

Final Words

Marketing, especially digital marketing, is an integral component of a company’s overall strategy, increasing brand awareness by engaging existing and prospective customers, generating leads, increasing sales, and boosting ROIs.

Every business in Canada has a common goal of making more money. They need sophisticated marketing strategies to achieve this bottom line, including social media and email marketing.

These top five Canadian marketing agencies have an excellent reputation in the digital world. Make sure you choose the one that best fits your needs and aligns with your budget. Until Next Time!

  • Article based on personal opinion and research.
  • Photos from Unsplash & Canva.
Top 10 Most Inspiring Canadians

Canada is home to some of the world’s most influential and inspiring people who have made significant contributions to the Country. Read More!

Top 20 Most Influential and Inspiring Canadians [Updated]

Top 20 Most Inspiring Canadian You Should Know About

Although Canada has a small population, it has the world’s most inspirational, influential, and talented people in different fields, including history, medicine, technology, entertainment, sports, politics, humanitarians, etc. Today’s article will give you a list of the top ten most influential and inspiring Canadians. Read on!

These 20 amazing Canadians have made a significant impact through their actions and words, inspiring people all over the world.

1.    Gord Downie

Gord Downie is an inspiration for thousands of Canadians due to his strong commitment and dedication to his field of work despite battling terminal brain cancer in the last years of his life. Downie made significant efforts to make Canada a better place for all communities, including the indigenous people.

Besides, Downie became a prominent voice for spreading awareness among the indigenous community and promoting its rights. The incredible plight in native Canadians today is due to Downie’s result-driven speeches and concerts, making him one of Canada’s most inspirational and influential individuals. Downie’s legacy will always remain in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people in Canada.

2.    David Suzuki

David Suzuki is an influential Canadian, human rights and environmental activist, and scientist. Suzuki has put life in campaigning for environmental awareness and making Canada a healthier, greener, and sustainable place to live.

In addition, Suzuki is the host of “The Nature of Things,” one of the most popular television shows in North America. Suzuki also writes columns on global warming, climate change, ecosystems, economic inequality, and sustainability.

Suzuki believes a healthy environment is essential for human survival on earth, and to make this happen, governments across the world must develop sophisticated strategies. Moreover, David Suzuki encourages young people to play their role in mitigating the harmful effects of global warming and climate change through his T.V. show and weekly columns published in different newspapers across Canada.

3.    Terry Fox

Terry Fox is one of the most inspirational and famous Canadians due to his strong commitment, devotion, spirit, and dedication toward raising awareness of bone cancer. Although Terry Fox suffered from bone cancer and died in 1981, thousands of people remember the start athlete for his courageous and heroic journey for raising bone cancer awareness and money for research.

Today, thousands of Canadians participate in over 28 counties to raise money for bone cancer research. Fox left marks on the heart of people with his incredible dedication to health research in Canada.

4.    Wayne Gretzky

Wayne Gretzky, also known as the “Great One,” is a former ice-hockey player loved by hundreds of thousands of Canadians for his unique talent. Canadians consider Wayne the greatest ice-hockey player in the world, thanks to his incredible career, including 61 NHL, 40 season, 15 playoff, and 6 All-Star records.

That’s the reason Gretzky is an inspiration for many young individuals who want to become successful ice-hockey players. Gretzky has inspired an entire generation of people to play ice hockey like him and ace their performance on the field.

5.    Viola Desmond

Viola Desmond is a role model for thousands of women in Canada, thanks to her assertiveness, positivity, and leadership style. Desmond made substantial efforts to introduce new and effective ways to train her graduates to operate a successful business and become lucrative players in the market.

Besides, Desmond is an inspiration for people of color, particularly women, to play their role in society without falling victim to racism. Desmond encouraged black women to stay committed and work hard to achieve their goals. Moreover, Desmond’s leadership style and humanitarian agenda inspired many people to make their dreams come true.

6.    Frederick Banting

Sir Frederick Banting was a scientist and physician who discovered insulin, a hormone that regulates and controls blood glucose levels. Banting’s exceptional contribution toward scientific research made him famous throughout the world.

The top scientist became the first Canadian to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. Likewise, he was the youngest Canadian to receive the awards at the age of 32, making him an inspiration for today’s researchers, scientists, and medical students.

7.    Lester Bowles Pearson

Lester Bowles Pearson is famous for his heroic and daring endeavors to make the world a better and safer place for everyone. Pearson’s work as a diplomat and politician is an inspiration for many people seeking change in Canada, including young individuals.

Not only is Pearson famous for his assertive style to improve Canadias’ lives, but he also focused on encouraging people to stay original and promote Canadian culture. Although Pearson died in 1972, thousands of people remember him for his extraordinary contributions towards Canada’s prosperity, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

8.    Nellie McClung

Nellie Letitia McClung is an inspiration for young women in Canada who want to promote equal rights and the feminist agenda. Today, women believe that McClung worked diligently to change the lives of Canadian women.

McClung created and joined various social support groups, but she also fought for the rights of women. Today, Canadians remember McClung for heroism and dedication toward the people of Canada, including women. McClung spent her entire life enhancing the lives of young girls and women.

9.    Clara Hughes

Clara Hughes is an inspiration for sports, speed skating, and cycling athletes and fans. Hughes is famous for her outstanding achievements as a cyclist and speed skater despite being a victim of major depressive disorders.

Clara shows young Canadians that mental health conditions must not hinder them from achieving success through her incredible commitment. Besides, she was inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame. Clara has also received numerous awards.

10. Chris Hadfield

Chris Hadfield is a former Canadian astronaut and an inspiration for young researchers, scientists, and space pilots. Hadfield has earned various civilian and military awards for his outstanding work as an astronaut.

Not only is Hadfield famous in Canada, but he is also well-known in the U.S, U.K., and other countries. Hadfield was the first Canadian astronaut who traveled to space. The Royal Canadian Mint commemorated him on silver and gold coins.

11. Tommy Douglas

Tommy Douglas is an unsung hero of Canadian politics. He was born in Scotland and immigrated to Canada at the age of six. He entered politics determined to ensure all Canadians had access to healthcare, but he encountered much resistance from colleagues and members of the public who were suspicious of socialized medicine.

Despite the opposition, Tommy Douglas persevered and worked steadfastly to bring universal healthcare to the nation. To this day, he is remembered as the Father of Medicare and remains a true symbol of Canada’s commitment to social justice and equity for everyone.

12. William Shatner

William Shatner‘s incredible success in the entertainment industry is a story for all to admire. This world-renown actor and writer are known for his iconic performance as Captain James T Kirk in the classic sci-fi TV series Starship Enterprise, captivating fans worldwide. Later, he transitioned into film with roles such as The Negotiator and Miss Congeniality.

In addition to his accomplishments on screen, he is an acclaimed musical talent, having released numerous albums of both traditional music and spoken word poetry. His career speaks volumes of his creativity, longevity, and diversity, proving that limits can only be achieved when self-imposed.

13. Michael J. Fox

Despite being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, Michael J. Fox continues to inspire people around the world with his perseverance and determination. His journey began when he shot to fame playing Michael Keaton on TV’s Family Ties before landing a leading role in the Back to the Future movie series.

After being diagnosed with Parkinson’s, he made a courageous decision to publicly reveal the news and use his visibility to create awareness of the condition and encourage research into it. He has since established his own foundation, which has donated millions of dollars towards researching a cure while also providing hope and comfort for those living with the disease.

14. Bryan Adams

Bryan Adams can be considered an artist of many talents; whether it is his work in music, photography, or activism, he leaves his mark everywhere. With over 80 million records sold around the world and several number-one singles throughout Europe, Bryan has earned himself a place amongst music’s elite. The hits keep coming with classics like ‘Summer of ’69’ and ‘Heaven,’ securing Bryan Adams as not only a great songwriter but a performer too.

To compliment his musical success, Bryan is also an incredible photographer, with collections of his work displayed at various galleries. Finally, giving back to societies, he engages in various charitable causes, demonstrating the altruistic qualities of this immensely talented artist.

15. Celine Dion

Celine Dion is one of the best-selling music artists of all time, and her impact on pop culture can’t be ignored. Since she first broke out onto the scene in 1981, she has stayed at the top of the charts, lending her iconic voice to some unforgettable songs. She is most known for her song “My Heart Will Go On,” which won her an Academy Award for Best Original Song as well as five Grammy Awards.

Her other hits have made her a household name and an artist whose legacy will live on forever. Whether she’s selling out stadiums or collaborating with top producers, Celine Dion continues to dazzle audiences with her powerful performances and captivating musicality. She will always remain a symbol of success and perseverance in the music industry.

16. Neil Peart

Neil Peart was an iconic figure in the music world who has left a legacy of memorable tunes and insightful lyrics. His career with Rush spanned five decades, during which he contributed his impressive talent to multiple awards-winning works. He received universal critical acclaim as a drummer, achieving notable accomplishments such as induction into the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame in 1983.

As well as being renowned for his prolific skills behind the drums, Peart was acclaimed for his lyrical contributions to Rush’s songs, which often contained science fiction references along with creative wordplay. His impact on modern rock music has been immense, and he will continue to inspire those around him long after his passing.

17. Alexander Graham Bell

A pioneer in communication technology, Alexander Graham Bell forever changed the world through his creation of the telephone. Originating from a modest upbringing in Edinburgh, Scotland, Bell soon moved to the United States and rose to great fame after receiving a patent for the telephone in 1876. He was passionate about the power of scientific invention and believed that education was essential for profitability.

Known for more than just inventing the telephone, Bell also experimented with aeronautics, worked towards integrating telegraph operation, and had a strong influence on teacher-student communication. One thing is certain from his illustrious career of innovation: the world would not be where it is today without Alexander Graham Bell’s contribution to human communications.

18. Geddy Lee

Since the early 70s, Geddy Lee has been a staple of the Canadian music landscape. His voice and bass guitar playing with Rush has helped the group become one of Canada’s most recognizable musical acts. Geddy Lee is respected by many as a master of his craft and an inspiration to generations of rock musicians; in addition to providing lead vocals and bass lines, he often adds synthesizers, keyboards, and orchestral arrangements to Rush’s recordings.

Furthermore, he has made numerous appearances at charity concerts and fundraisers for causes such as educational diabetes research. Geddy Lee continues to contribute to Canadian music as we know it today, inspiring young musicians worldwide.

19. Lorne Michaels

Lorne Michaels is a legendary figure. He has made an impact on the entertainment industry and will continue doing so for many years to come. As the producer and creator of Saturday Night Live, Lorne’s creativity and ingenuity have given us some of the funniest moments ever seen on television. He has been able to identify raw talent and shape it with masterful precision giving rise to some of television’s greatest comedic performers like Amy Poehler and Tina Fey.

Not just comedic actors but also successful Hollywood screenwriters were also discovered by Lorne, as evidenced by Mike Myers, who enjoys an iconic status in Hollywood today. It can be safely said that Lorne Michales changed the face of American comedy for audiences all over the world.

20. Margaret Atwood

Atwood‘s impressive list of literary works, including poetry, novels, and short stories, has earned her many accolades from organizations such as the Booker Prize and the Governor General’s Awards. Her most notable works include The Handmaid’s Tale, Cat’s Eye, Alias Grace, and The Blind Assassin. Through these tales, she has touched upon a myriad of ideas that have been highly scrutinized by readers around the world.

Concepts such as monogamy and free will are explored in detail in her books, and their relevance in our lives allows us to experience deep thrills when reading them. Not only is Atwood successful in entertaining readers with her captivating writing style, but it also shines an important light on issues like gender inequality or discrimination against certain minorities that we can all relate to. Ultimately, Atwood is an impressive author whose work will still inspire many generations to come in the years ahead.

Final Words

Everyone needs the inspiration to develop a deep-rooted motivation and passion for whatever they want to achieve in their lives. People take inspiration from different people in different ways. These top ten most inspirational and influential Canadians have indeed left marks on people’s hearts, encouraging them to make their dreams come true.


What are some of the most inspirational and influential Canadians?

Some of the most inspirational and influential Canadians include Alexander Graham Bell, Geddy Lee, Lorne Michaels, and Margaret Atwood. Other notable Canadians include Terry Fox, Pierre Trudeau, Bob Dylan, Wayne Gretzky, and David Suzuki.

What is the significance of Alexander Graham Bell’s contribution?

Alexander Graham Bell is renowned for his invention of the telephone. His invention revolutionized communication by making connecting with people from faraway locations easier. His work also paved the way for other innovations, such as the radio, television, and the internet.

What are some of Margaret Atwood’s most notable works?

Some of Margaret Atwood’s most notable works include The Handmaid’s Tale, Cat’s Eye, Alias Grace, and The Blind Assassin. Through these tales, she has touched upon a myriad of ideas that have been highly scrutinized by readers around the world.

  • Article based on personal opinion and research.
  • Photos from Unsplash & Canva.

Canada has some of the world’s most influential individuals who inspire, empower, and encourage Canadians to achieve their dreams. Read More!

Top 10 Most Influential Canadians

Canadians are well-known for their pride, diligence, cultural values, diversity, enthusiasm, hospitality, and equality. These values make Canada one of the best places to live and work peacefully and safely.

The country has become a favorite of millions of people worldwide for its picturesque attractions, natural beauty, world-class infrastructure, work, business opportunities, and friendly people.

But do you know Canada is home to hundreds of individuals who have incredible influence over millions of people worldwide? Yes, this is true. So, without further ado, let us talk about the top ten most influential Canadians. Read on!

1.    Alexander Graham Bell

Everyone knows Graham Bell, a renowned scientist and the father of modern communication technologies. Although Bell was born in Scotland, he moved to Canada for work. Bell is the investor of the first working telephone. Today, people use Android phones and iPhones with so many incredible features. Remember, this would not be possible if the great scientist had not invented the telephone.

2.    Celine Dion

Celine Dion is a popular singer and musician who has won many awards for her unique singing style, lyrics, and melodious voice. She is a woman of outstanding talents and skills in the music world, making her one of the most influential singers in North America and other parts of the world. Dion is particularly famous for singing the Titanic’s theme song.

3.    Wayne Gretzky

Wayne Gretzky, also known as the “Great One,” is a former ice-hockey player who scored more goals than any other play in NHL history. Gretzky played for numerous teams and won many awards for his illustrious career. It won’t be wrong to say Gretzky is the modern father of ice hockey because he reinvented the game through his unique skills. Today, Gretzky is a national hero, an inspiration for young players, and a proud Canadian.

4.    Lorne Michaels

Lorne Michaels is the founder of the world-famous show “Saturday Night Live.” Michaels has played a crucial role in identifying and launching successful careers, including Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler, and Tina Fey. Mike Myers, one of the most famous Canadian comedians, actors, and screenwriters, is also the discovery of Lorne Michaels.

5.    Pierre Trudeau

Pierre Trudeau was the former prime minister of Canada and ranked one of the best leaders in Canadian history. Trudeau made reforms to the foreign policy, making Canada less dependent on the UK and US. Not only did Trudeau establish the Charter of Rights and Freedom for Canada, but he also ensured full Canadian sovereignty.

6.    Chris Hadfield

Chris Hadfield is one of the most famous astronauts in North America and a public figure who has inspired hundreds of thousands of Canadians to achieve their goals and become successful in their respective fields. Hadfield was the first Canadian astronaut who traveled to space and commanded the International Space Station.

7.    Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood is another influential Canadian who has inspired thousands of people fond of art and literature through her prose fiction and unique writing style. Atwood is a feminist and strong advocate for human rights, and her novels focus on women seeking freedom, autonomy, equal rights, and honor in society.

8.    Mike Myers

Mike Myers is the most famous comedian in Canada and equally loved in other parts of the world, thanks to his outspoken and blunt comedy style. Not only has Myers created original characters on Saturday Night Live, but he has also worked in various spy-poof movies. Canadians consider Myers the icon of Comedy.

9.    Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau is the son of the most loved Canadian leader and former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Justin Trudeau is the current prime minister of Canada. Despite his brief time in the office, Justin has received admiration and appreciation from Canadians and people worldwide due to his charismatic personality, diligence, progressive beliefs, and love for the Canadian nation.

10. Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds has become the most influential actor in recent years for his unique, quirky, charismatic, stylish, and quick-witted personality and acting skills. Reynold started his career on TV, but his breakthrough came with Van Wilder in 2002. Since then, Reynolds has worked in numerous movies, including blockbuster films.

Final Words

Many Canadians draw people to them, thanks to their engaging, charismatic, and compelling personality and contributions toward the development and prosperity of the country. Until Next Time!

  • Article based on personal opinion and research.
  • Photos from Unsplash & Canva.
15 Inspiring Canadian Women You Should Know About

Do you want to know about the most inspiring women in Canada? If yes, you are in the right place. Check out this post for a list of the top 15 Canadian women!

Canada has an incredible history of inspiring women who have made significant contributions to make the country a better and healthier place for living. The Canadian women we will discuss in today’s post are role models for young women who want to achieve success in their lives and make a global impact. Read on!

1.    Samantha Nutt

Samantha Nutt is a medical doctor known for “War Child,” a non-profit organization she founded to raise human rights awareness worldwide. Nutt has made significant efforts for more than two decades to play her role in mitigating humanitarian crises.

As a Canadian, she is always on the front line to help people without worrying about her life. She has served in various war-torn countries, including Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, making her an inspirational woman of valiance, courage, and dare.

2.    Viola Desmond

Viola Desmond was a woman of many talents and skills. Even today, women take inspiration from Desmond’s leadership style and contribution toward the betterment of the female image in society. Desmond encouraged women to run successful businesses, but she also equipped them with extensive knowledge to remain respectable in the community.

Desmond is an inspiration for black women because she helped them learn the art and science of improving self-esteem and being proud of their appearance. In addition, she established the foundation of black women’s rights in North America.

3.    Joannie Rochette

Joannie Rochette is a former figure stacker who won a silver medal at World Championships in 2009. She remained champion for six years between 2005 and 2010. Rochette is a motivational figure for many Canadian women, and everyone remembers her incredible victory in the 2010 Olympic Games despite the sudden death of her mother.

4.    Attiya Khan

Attiya Khan is a filmmaker and feminist who lives in Toronto, Canada. Khan is an inspiration for young Canadian ladies, especially victims of emotionally and domestically abused women. Khan is a counselor for abused women and a strong advocate for women’s rights in Canada. Besides, Khan’s mission is to encourage abuse victims to stand for their rights.

5.    Mary Ann Shadd

Mary Ann Shadd was the first black Canadian woman who started a newspaper company. Shadd was a committed and brave lady who stood against racism and ethnic violence in North America.

Shadd was the second black woman who earned a law degree and established the “Colored Woman’s Progressive Franchise Association” to fight for black women in 1880. Besides, Shadd opened a school for African refugees to promote education among the black community.

6.    Deepa Mehta

Deepa Mehta is a screenwriter and director famous for her sensational work in the film industry. Mehta’s unique direction style in producing provocative movies inspires young Canadians who want to thrive in the movie industry.

Mehta has directed some blockbuster movies on human rights, inequality, and social injustice. The Water (2005), Earth (1998), and Fire (1996) are worth watching for viewers and people who want to learn the science of film production.

7.    Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Sainte-Marie is an inspirational singer and songwriter. Sainte-Marie played a crucial role in the Toronto and Greenwich Village music revivals in the 60s. The “Universal Soldier,” the anti-war anthem released in 1964, made her an inspiration and figure of encouragement for thousands of Canadians who want to promote peace, love, and harmony. The government inducted Sainte-Marie into the Songwriter Hall of Fame in 2005.

8.    Winnie Harlow

Winnie Harlow is an advocate for people suffering from vitiligo, a skin condition characterized by loss of skin color in patches. Harlow is one of Canada’s most successful models despite suffering the illness. Harlow’s mission is to eliminate the stigma around vitiligo and encourage young women to achieve their dreams without falling victims to body shaming or skin conditions.

9.    Kristina Wong

Kristina Wong is a Canadian comedienne and is famous for her incredible theater performance. Wong is also an actor and performance artist with numerous achievements. One thing that makes her an inspiration for young Canadians is feminism.

Wong has made significant efforts to promote equal rights for women through her work. Wong primarily focuses on issues like racism, ethnicity, body shaming, and white privilege in North America.

10. Connie Stacey

Connie Stacey is an environmentalist who founded Growing Greener Innovations, an award-winning company with a mission to promote sustainability in Canada. The Edmonton-based technology company under the leadership of Connie Stacey has made valuable contributions to make Canada a greener place with clean energy production.

11. Bobbie Racette

Bobbie Racette is the founder and CEO of a service solution platform “Virtual Guru.” The company offers outsourcing services, remote assistance, and freelancers to businesses across Canada and other countries. Racette’s incredible approach allows businesses to find the right talent for their operations. So, she is indeed an inspiration for young entrepreneurs who want to thrive in the technology outsourcing sector.

12. Nelly Bassily

Nelly Bassily is well-known for her extraordinary efforts toward achieving equal rights for women in North America. Bassily has been a feminist and anti-racism activist for more than twelve years and runs an activism program for women’s rights in Canada.

13. Lori Nikkel

Lori Nikkel is the founder and SEO of Canada’s largest food rescue organization, known as the “Second Harvest.” Nikkel has worked diligently to establish a successful organization to help low-income families in Canada. The company’s mission is to mitigate the harmful effects of Covid-19 on the Canadian people by rescuing and redistributing food across Canada.

14. Dr. Lucy Gilbert

Dr. Lucy Gilbert is a renowned scientist and researcher known for inventing a cutting-edge uterine Pap test based on genomics that detects endometrial and ovarian cancers. Gilbert’s efforts toward the field of genomics and development of DOvEEgene, a test that can distinguish between cancer cells in menopausal women, is a life-saving contribution to humanity.

15. Hayley Wickenheiser

Hayley Wickenheiser is a former ice-hockey player with an illustrious career. Wickenheiser’s exceptional talent, zeal, and spirit on the field made her won various titles, including championships and Olympic medals. Today, she works diligently to promote healthy and active lifestyles to improve people’s overall wellbeing.

Final Words

Canadian women play a crucial role in the development and prosperity of the country. Throughout the years, women in Canada have made significant contributions and achievements in various walks of life. Until Next Time!

  • Article based on personal opinion and research.
  • Photos from Unsplash & Canva.
Top 10 Canadian Musicians | Best Canadian Musicians

Are you a music lover and want to know about the best Canadian musicians in 2022? If yes, you are in the right place. Here is what you need to know!

Canadian musicians have the ability to express emotions, feelings, and pleasure through their music and songs in delightful patterns and manners. Canada is home to some of the most cherished music artists that stimulate adrenaline and dopamine in the listener’s brain. Here is a list of the top ten Canadian musicians in 2022. Read on!

1. Céline Dion

Undoubtedly, Celine Dion is one of the greatest music artists in the 21st century, a proud Canadian who is the queen of the music world, thanks to the uniquely clear and pure tones she reflects in her songs. Dion has fans all over the world, and her passion for music and songs is purely rewarding. She has even won numerous awards. And who can forget her iconic theme song from the movie “Titanic”? She remains an inspiration for aspiring Canadian singers.

2. Drake

Drake is a famous singer and band who earned over $19 million in 2021, making him one of the most successful Canadian music artists. Although Drake has released a total of 84 songs to date, each song is unique, with strong lyrics, emotions, and structure that keeps fans at the edge of their seats. He is one of the most successful Canadian musicians in 2022. Also, Drake has received various awards and recognition in the music industry. He is a force to be reckoned with.


3. Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne is another Canadian musician and singer with a higher success rate in recent years, selling more than 30 million albums worldwide. Not only does Avril has an angelic voice, but she is also the most lyrical female singer in Canada. Music fans love her for her rock and spunky-oriented voice, song structure, and emotions with pure resonance. She is the favorite of many people. Further, she has earned the nickname “The Pop Punk Princess.” She has also won several awards and accolades in the music industry.

4. Camila Cabello

Camila Cabello is one of the most cherished and loved music celebrities in 2022, thanks to her unique and pretty voice, rhythm, structure, pitch, dynamics, and timbre. Cabello’s tempo, harmony, beat, and articulation is second to none. If you want to spice up your mood, we recommend listening to Cabello’s music. She is one of the best Canadian musicians in 2022. Also, she has a successful musical career. She has won several awards, including a Grammy Award.

5. Bryan Adams

Bryan Adams has released several singles and albums with over 100 million records sold worldwide. Adams has been the most played musician on Canadian radio throughout the years and among the top 10 singles in Canada, the U.K., the U.S., and Australia. Bryan’s versatile talents, unique music composition, and lusciously attractive voice make him the most cherished Canadian music artist. He has fans all over the world, regardless of age or gender. He has composed and produced music for the biggest movie industry in Hollywood. Also, he has won a Grammy Award and other awards.

6. The Weeknd

The Weeknd is a rising star and the best singer in the world. Music fans love the Weeknd for his top performances, melodious voice, and meaningful lyrics. Undoubtedly, the Weeknd is a superstar in 2022 because he puts life, energy, enthusiasm, and passion into the music. However, the famous musician also sings tragic, sad, and melancholy songs. He is a great composer, and his songs are full of art. Moreover, The Weeknd is a very charismatic personality on stage. He has won multiple awards, including a Grammy Award.

7. Michael Bublé

Michael Buble is a Canadian music artist with a strong and flexible voice. Buble’s ability to blend a wide range of pitches, dynamics, tempos, and beats creates his songs’ depth of enthusiasm and zeal. We recommend listing to Buble’s “Home,” “Feeling Good,” “I’m not surprised, not everything lasts,” and “Haven’t met you yet.” He is one of the most respected musicians in 2022. Further, he is a four-time Grammy Award Winner. He is among the Canadian music artists with the most successful career.

8. Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is a highly talented and skilled music artist and singer with a clear, pure, and melodious voice. Millions of fans worldwide think that Bieber has a god-gifted voice. Bieber earned over $49 million in 2021, making him the most commercially successful singer. Although Bieber started his career in 2007, he quickly gained popularity, and to date, he has released a total of 229 songs. He has won several awards, including the Billboard Music Awards and grammy awards. Moreover, he has collaborated with many renowned music artists. He is one of the most successful Canadian music artists in 2022.


9. Alanis Morissette

Alanis Morissette has a matchless, emotional, and mezzo-soprano-style voice. Morissette started her career in the 90s with two dance-pop albums appreciated and acclaimed by music lovers. Since then, Morissette has been touching people’s hearts via her emotional voice. That’s why she is known for opening the floodgates. Moreover, Morissette is a talented lyricist and has received numerous awards for her music. She has received a total of seven Grammy Awards and six other awards. Morissette is one of the most celebrated Canadian music artists in 2022.

10. Carly Rae Jepsen

Carly Rae Jepsen became highly popular for her “Call Me Maybe, a single song that gave her a breakthrough in 2012. Since then, she has been in the music spotlight. Call Me Maybe has won several awards, including the best-selling single of 2012. She is also known for her power-pop music and high-pitched voice. Her fans love her for the way she conveys emotions through her lyrics. She has won two Juno Awards, one MTV Video Music Award, and four Grammy Awards. She is one of the top Canadian music artists in 2022.


Overall, Canada is home to some of the most talented and successful music artists. These musicians have gained immense popularity worldwide through their unique voices, tempo, melody, and lyrics. So don’t forget to listen to the amazing tunes created by these talented Canadian musicians!

Who Is the No 1 Canadian Singer?

Dion is a Canadian singer and businesswoman. She is best known for her song “My Heart Will Go On,” which was the main theme of the 1997 film Titanic, which holds the title of the first film to gross $1 billion at the box office.

Final Words

Canadian music artists are creative and original, with vital self-expression to persuade and influence audiences with their charismatic music and melodic songs. Artists like the Weeknd, Celine Dion, and others create a sense of warmth among listeners. Canadian music artists are the real stars of 2022. We hope that this article helps you explore some of the best Canadian music artists of 2022. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and give them a listen!